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Portrait Parties

What is it ?

Portrait Parties are hosted in your own home, hotel room or any of your friends' home where Colourfinder Photography will take professional portraits for you and your friends in 20-30 mins sessions.

How does it work ?

These Parties are hosted by one person who will provide the location, will co-ordinate the guests & schedule the sessions and collect the fees.

The host will get the package for free as well as a £3.00 print voucher for every guest attending the party (i.e. 10 guests = £30 voucher !)

What do you get ?

Each guest pays £35.00 (a full session starts at £90) and gets:

     -One 20-30mins session

     -One 8''x10'' print


Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information and bookings.

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